Note: When using the completed workbook, you will need to change the folder reference in the query to wherever you save the sample files. From the Query Editor, go to View > Advanced Editor and change the folder path. If you’ve ever come across a situation where you’ve had multiple files of data with each file having data spread across multiple sheets then you’ll want to read on. This post is going to explore how to use the From Folder Power Query to import multiple files with multiple sheets in each file and aggregate the data into one table. This example has a series of sales files in a folder. Each file contains the sales for a given country and the files are named according to which country the sales data is from (i.e. Ireland.xlsx, England.xlsx, Luxembourg.xlsx, and Canada.xlsx). Each file has several sheets with different data in the same format. Each sheet contains the sales for a given salesperson from the country and is named with the sales person’s name. As you can imagine, aggregating the data manually would be very time-consuming as the number of files and sheets grows. This is where Power Query can shine.

Step 1: Create a From Folder Query

Create a From Folder query. Check the preview data to ensure it is in the correct folder and files.

Step 2: Remove data columns that aren’t needed

The From Folder query will include a lot of data such as file extension type, date modified, file location, etc. These are not needed for the purposes of combining data. You can remove these to avoid clutter.

Step 3: Split the file name column

To get the country into the data, you will need to parse the text in the file name. Since the file naming convention is pretty simple (Country Name.xlsx), you can use the split column function using a period as the delimiter. You can remove the resulting column containing the extension part of the split file name.

Step 4: Add column for file content

Now you will need to add a column to bring the content into the query. Expand the new column to show all the items in the Content. You also need to expand the resulting Data column to show all its elements. Now you have all the columns needed plus a few extra. Delete any columns you don’t need and rearrange the order of columns if desired by dragging and dropping columns. Power Query will guess the data type of each column, but you may need to correct these. This method allowed you to easily import all the data from multiple files and sheets into one table. You were also able to add in a country data column based on the file name and a salesperson data column based on the sheet name. If you add files to the folder or update data in a file, you can easily update the aggregated data by going into the Data tab and pressing the Refresh All button. This will re-run the query to obtain the latest data. Wow, Power Query can be very powerful!